Risktensive management has executed assignments in countries worldwide:
Asia: Philippines, Cambodia, India, Kyrgyzstan, Russia
Eastern Europe: Ukraine, Bulgaria, Albania
Europe: Boulder institute Turin, Italy; France
Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Ivory Coast, Ghana
Central America: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua and Honduras
Latin America: Uruguay
Some examples of executed projects:
Risk management training for a bank; Tirana, Albania
Integrated risk management project; risk essentials; risk framework; risk definition; non-financial risks; Asset & Liability management / ALCO, financial risk; client protection principles; hands on approach including cases; ending with action plans
Seminar for 10 MFI’s; Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Integrated risk management training; modules: risk essentials; risk framework; risk definition; non-financial risks; Asset & Liability management, financial risk; client protection principles; strategy and how to deal with the competition; hands on approach including cases; ending with action plans
Trainer Boulder institute of Microfinance; Turin, Italy
Risk management training, French / English program; hands on approach including cases, see here.
Trainer the Trainer Guatemala; Guatemala City and Quetzaltenango
Training of trainers in risk management and facilitation methods and techniques; execution of a pilot risk self-assessment in a MFI with the newly trained trainers.
Seminar Risk management for several Credit cooperatives; Astrakhan, Russia
Risk management training, conducting case study, client protection principles and risk, preparing action plans.
Training risk management region West Africa; Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Training, conducting case study and facilitating a risk & control self-assessment workshop for the region, preparing action plans.
Strategy development for a region; San Jose, Costa Rica.
Coaching the region Central America Oikocredit and its 7 countries in the development of strategy plans; conducting training and facilitation of a workshop in Strategy modelling and development; review of draft strategy plans. Reporting: Recommendations strategy.
Training of trainers in risk management; Nairobi, Kenya
Training of trainers in risk management and facilitation methods and techniques; execution of a pilot risk self-assessment with the newly trained trainers. Follow up coaching.
Introduction Risk management and risk self-assessment workshop; Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Review of the existing risk framework of a MFI (documentation, interviews with management); training risk management; facilitating a risk self-assessment workshop; SWOT analysis.
Seminar Risk management and agri-credit for funding agencies; Zandvoort, The Netherlands
Risk concept, definition and categories. Governance, risk identification, risk appetite and measurement, mitigation techniques, monitoring, testing and some elective subjects like fraud management. A case focused on risk in agri credit.
Risk & control self-assessment workshop for a MFI; Sofia, Bulgaria
A highly interactive Risk & control self-assessment workshop to identify, prioritise and measure the current risks in order to end up with an action plan to reduce the most important risks to an acceptable level.
Risk assessment guarantees for regional managers of a funding agency; Barchem, The Netherlands
Risk management introduction training. Risks in agri-finance. Focused workshop around several cases of the existing portfolio.